Project: Move – Part One

Project: Move - Part One

Moving, for me, has always been a complete nightmare. My family had never moved house before, so when it came to me leaving home for the first time to head to university half way up the country, I had no idea of the best way or resources to use to pack my kit up. This equally made moving between student accommodation each year a complete pain in the butt! I have learnt a lot about how not to do it since that first move back in 2001! When I arrived…

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I’ve not been using my planner & it has been disastrous

Not only have I not been using my awesome Holborn Filofax, I have also not even been using anything else to plan! That is dispite purchasing a really cool Moleskin planner on a recent trip as well! I bought the Moleskin planner as the pages are not white (they are cream), which is great for me, and I thought it would be lighter to carry around than my zipped A5 Holborn – which it is, however I just have not been putting things into it. It is suddenly March and…

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Back To Uni?


It’s the start of a new term, maybe even a brand new start all together if your course starts this term! So what have you learnt so far that you will be trying to do more of or better than last term or less of than last term? For me, it is the start of my dissertation term. This time last year I was packing my stuff up at home between hospital visits to check in on my Dad after his heart attack, in preparation for moving back to campus…

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It’s National Stationery Week!

It is National Stationery Week so to celebrate all things Stationery I thought I would list some of my favourites! For some great deals this week head over to Amazon and see what you can treat yourself to! Yes I know, I’m such and enabler right!? These PaperMate retractable pens are pretty cool, I’ve been using the regular black ComfortMate ones but I like the look of this pack, they also have a pack of 20 of the Black InkJoy ones which I could use at work. [amazon asin=B00CI6L5US&template=iframe image2]…

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It’s Been A Year! Planning and Printer Update!

I have been away from my blog for a year now 🙁 partly because my desktop computer broke and partly because work has got in the way. During the past year, I have been promoted at work, been bitten by a dog on my first official day of my promotion whilst at work, worked at several different pubs in my area and ran one outside of my area for 10 days. Had my hours reduced so much that I had to go back to doing some supply teaching, and then…

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Kit and Planning for NaNoWriMo

For those of you that don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and the challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel in the 30 (or 31) days of the particular month you are setting aside for the challenge. The main month for this is November but as an individual you can take any month you like and apply the same principles. For more information, or to sign up yourself just head over to You may have noticed that at the top of this…

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My Filofax – All Change!

I have recently been suffering from extreme shoulder and arm pain, also affecting my neck muscles at times as well. So I made the decision to try and use my mini Metropol Filofax on the go and then use my A5 zipped Holborn again at home, instead of my VERY stuffed and rather solid, brick like personal Malden! This will mean that EVERYTHING will be entered into my A5 and then every week all the weeks appointments get transferred to the weekly pages (the month on 2 pages will be…

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Tracking Health – Filofax & Fitbit or Filofax & Pulse?

Since I started my new job at the pub I have been losing weight – without even really trying to. I don’t know how much I weighed when I started but I do know that in the last month I have lost over a stone. I know I had already lost quite a bit as you could already tell in my face and from my slimmer tummy that I had. I wish I knew what I weighed prior to starting working there! I have been using My Fitness Pal app…

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Sadness and Blues

Today I finally found out I did not get the job I interviewed for last Friday. I cannot even tell you how gutted I was to not get the job. Those of you that read my last post will know that I only recently started a new job. However, the job is only part time and I really need to find myself a full time job so I can move. I really need to find myself somewhere to move to before I go even more crazy where I currently am.…

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The Challenge Ahead

The email I had been waiting for finally arrived Thursday, it was confirming that I would be teaching at the school I talked about in my last post. This is quite a big event for me as I have quite a lot of responsibility combined with some challenging students. Not only do I have to get them through a Functional Skills in ICT qualification, but also their English, Maths and Science qualifications plus any additional awards such as ASDAN Bronze Award or their Food Hygiene certificate. I have to work…

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