For those of you that don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and the challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel in the 30 (or 31) days of the particular month you are setting aside for the challenge. The main month for this is November but as an individual you can take any month you like and apply the same principles. For more information, or to sign up yourself just head over to You may have noticed that at the top of this…
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My Filofax – All Change!
I have recently been suffering from extreme shoulder and arm pain, also affecting my neck muscles at times as well. So I made the decision to try and use my mini Metropol Filofax on the go and then use my A5 zipped Holborn again at home, instead of my VERY stuffed and rather solid, brick like personal Malden! This will mean that EVERYTHING will be entered into my A5 and then every week all the weeks appointments get transferred to the weekly pages (the month on 2 pages will be…
Read MoreTracking Health – Filofax & Fitbit or Filofax & Pulse?
Since I started my new job at the pub I have been losing weight – without even really trying to. I don’t know how much I weighed when I started but I do know that in the last month I have lost over a stone. I know I had already lost quite a bit as you could already tell in my face and from my slimmer tummy that I had. I wish I knew what I weighed prior to starting working there! I have been using My Fitness Pal app…
Read MoreA New Job, A New Layout…
Two months ago I started a new job. It might surprise some of you to read that it is not at a school but in a pub near to where I live. It’s only part time but I have been working as many hours as I can to pay the bills and I have been loving it! It has been physically exhausting, mainly because of the heat behind the bar as the bar air con doesn’t really work that well, but its also because there are full washer trays of…
Read MorePhilofaxy September 2012 Meet Up
A last minute cancellation on Wednesday made it possible for me to be asked if I was free to join September 2012’s Philofaxy meet up in London on the Saturday. A few checks of the Filofax and finances later and I said I could go and the arrangements were then made for the trip to London. The plan was to get an early night in Friday night ready for Saturday’s trip but that didn’t happen and when I finally did get to bed I just couldn’t sleep! By the…
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