Project Organisation – Digital Paperwork Using Dropbox And Zotero One of the biggest things when doing a project is keeping everything organised, especially when you have collected a wide variety of resources from several different places. Most of the resources I am using for my dissertation are in PDF format as they are research papers rather than books, so I have a specific folder on my Dropbox account where I save any articles to that I come across in my initial searching. I make sure I rename the file to…
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Back To Uni?
It’s the start of a new term, maybe even a brand new start all together if your course starts this term! So what have you learnt so far that you will be trying to do more of or better than last term or less of than last term? For me, it is the start of my dissertation term. This time last year I was packing my stuff up at home between hospital visits to check in on my Dad after his heart attack, in preparation for moving back to campus…
Read MorePlanning A Return To University – Stationery Haul Part 1
I have wanted to return to university to complete more studying for a long while now but I have not been able to because of the finance side of it. Well that doesn’t need to be so much of a problem now because they are finally introducing Postgraduate Student Loans here in the UK which work in a similar way to the current Undergraduate Student Loans that the UK already have. I can’t however apply for one just yet as they are not being introduced until the end of June…
Read MorePost-it’s and Page Flags in my Filofax
Just a quick look at how I use sticky notes and flags in my Filofax! Flags are used to put chores on the page of my current week and I remove them when they are done and put back on my page marker for use next week. Post-it’s can be found all over in my Filofax, I use them for anything really! Like here I have used them for adding up projected then completed hours at work or for making notes during my French session in my Rosetta Stone software…
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