Here is the video I uploaded to YouTube about my A5 Zipped Holborn. How I use it to stay organised, without having planner fail like a lot of other people unfortunately seem to be having lately. No Planner Fail Here Video Views: 920
Read MoreMonth: October 2012
Teachers Planner Files To Download
As you may have seen from my last post, I designed a layout that I wanted my Teachers Planner to look like. I have now made the files and with the help of Ray over at My Life All In One Place, they have now been merged and the dates added. The pages consist of a day on two pages, with the 5 lesson planner on the left and notes/tasks for the day on the right, a two page spread for each weekday (so Monday to Friday): Followed by the…
Read MoreTeacher Planning Pages For My Filofax
Last night inspiration struck just as I climbed into bed and I just had to get it drawn out on paper while I had the excitement flying around my head – I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep until I did anyway! So after about an hour or so of drawing in my square grid notebook (that is actually a bit smaller than A5 which will mean there is definitely enough room for the Filofax holes and also possibly a bit more space to put the entire…
Read MoreAnd this is why…
…we don’t put paper with dodgy edges in the printer!!! Views: 1558
Read MoreWhat do you want to achieve in remaining 90 days?
October is finally here and with it only more 90 days to accomplish any of those goals you set yourself to have completed by the end of 2012. What was on your list at the start of the year, or even was put on the list since the start of the year, that you need to or want to have ticked off before the countdown to 2013 happens? Hopefully some items have been ticked off as completed already but what about those items that you either haven’t looked at yet…
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