You know you’re addicted when…

It’s late, you’re tired, you got into bed and the light is out but then you pick up your iPhone and look at several blogs about Filofax and their owners and all the creative stuff they have inside theirs.

You look at the clock – 3 hours ago you should have been in bed (hopefully asleep). True you didn’t get into bed until about an hour ago but still that means for 45 minutes or so you have been clicking and scrolling your way through pages of posts and comments, drooling over images of Filofax and discovering new things you could play with adding to your own work-in-progress(-perpetually) Filofax.

It is times like these when we need an off switch, these addictions are not helping our well being when they are keeping us awake and excited putting fresh ideas in our heads.

But they all look so pretty and creative and it’s all about paper and they talk about pens and, and, and… zzzzzzzzzz

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3 Thoughts to “You know you’re addicted when…”

  1. Sounds just like me. I’m so glad I’m not alone in the world!

    1. SazD

      Haha! Far from it from what I have been discovering these last few weeks!
      It’s funny how a lot of us ‘faxers seem to be obsessed with the same set of things – mainly stationery but with branches in other directions also!

      I remember loving the start of a new term at school because it meant I was allowed to get new pens and pencils, mind you even now that is a definite plus side to a new term 😀

      1. Having new pens/pencils does boost my confidence aswell. Brought some thin/fat tip felt tips for colouring first drafts so much more of a pleasure than my old crayola ones which lasted years…

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