Month overview sorted!

As I have been procrastinating about doing anything work related as I have been craving some “me” time I have now made myself some month per view pages on light blue paper!

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This was the 2nd trial – it worked ok!

I used the month per view template from Philofaxy and instead of using the Excel sheet it wanted I used the A5 one and re-linked all the months and days. I did this because I got very confused with the personal sized Excel sheet! I also changed the paper size to A5 so I could print it onto my coloured A5 paper I bought at the beginning of the month. I tweaked the template quite a bit as I just wanted to print off single sided pages for the months. I have now got extra note room should I need it!

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I am quite liking the outcome 🙂

This is the day per page pages I have after my month per view. These are on white paper at present but I think they will probably end up on blue paper and the months will end up on lilac.

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