FlyLady Pages Added To Files Page

For those of you that have requested the file I created of the 11 commandments and the the 31 baby steps, I have finally found the file and have edited it so that it is suitable for anyone to print on whichever sized paper they have (the original one I created was set to A5 page size as I print straight to A5 paper).

I hope it helps you get started/continue in the FlyLady way! Obviously as it is in Word, you can change the colours and font to suit yourself, unless of course you like what I have already used, in which case, you just need to print it!

The file is on the Files page, at the bottom: here

What have you included in your Control Journal so far? I would love to see what you have done, even if its still a work in progress like mine is! 🙂

Let me know what you do with the pages if you use them 🙂

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2 Thoughts to “FlyLady Pages Added To Files Page”

  1. rosie

    I’ve just come across your planner and it looks amazing but I’m trying to do the one I can change as we have 9 lessons each day. I’ve sorted the excel file but when I open the word file and link it to the excel when asked the word file just opens as two blank pages. Can you offer advice. Sorry to be so daft. many thanks

  2. Have you changed the lesson boxes in the Word document? If there is not enough room for the date above them it would make the pages look funny, not sure they would just be 2 blank pages but I guess anything is possible!

    What did you change in the spreadsheet?

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