Today I finally found out I did not get the job I interviewed for last Friday. I cannot even tell you how gutted I was to not get the job. Those of you that read my last post will know that I only recently started a new job. However, the job is only part time and I really need to find myself a full time job so I can move.
I really need to find myself somewhere to move to before I go even more crazy where I currently am. I cannot cook properly (and therefore eat properly), sit at a chair or do much else without trouble (trouble being either it being tricky or I get moaned at). I have had enough of trying to live in such conditions and for my own health and safety, need to move out ASAP.
The trouble in the area I currently live is that even to rent a basic 1 bedroom flat (if you can find one) you need to pay at least £600 a month and on the hours I currently do, there is no way that I can afford that let alone any bills or food on top.
I have been looking for a long while at moving back to where I was at university, this interview was for a great job doing something I am very capable of doing. If I was not perfect for the job, I do not know what they were looking for.
This has, however, made me even more determined to get out of my current “hole” and follow my heart, as I have dreamed of nothing more since I left to do my teacher training 6 years ago.
I started 2013 by writing a list of goals in my A5 Holborn Filofax, some of these I have managed to achieve already, others are still waiting to be accomplished. I think I also need to redefine some of these and add a few more specific goals too.
Therefore, over the weekend, I am going to review what I have written and work out how to honour what I have achieved whilst having a clear idea of what still needs to be done.
I am going to use my A5 Filofax for this as there is more space available to me. I am wondering if anyone else does something similar and can offer me some advice/tips? I’m not sure I want more specific time scales attached to my planning other than during 2013 as I’m sure that will lead to more “stinking thinking” as FlyLady puts it!
So, fellow bloggers, planners, organisers, Filofax lovers and spiritual folk, comment or link some tips/suggestions/ideas that you feel I can use to help me on my quest for setting the work/moving wheels in the right direction using my Filofax.
A little bit lost, SazD
Views: 891
I know it’s dispiriting when you don’t get a job that has your name written all over it. A friend of mine was recently in exactly the same position and when she failed to secure the job, losing out to another applicant at the final selection event, it knocked her back. But she applied for the next job knowing that her main competitor was now out of the race, and this one she did get.
I don’t know what the actual stats are but imagine that in this economy very few people get the first job they interview for. Your job is definitely out there and I hope you and it find each other soon.
I love your spirit – don’t let anything hold you back from achieving your dreams. I had 10 interviews before I got a job – in each of them I was told that I was so very close to getting the job, it was very demoralising but eventually I found the right job and it found me. Just like Ray Blake has said in the comment above, I hope you and the perfect job find each other soon too :o)