Stationery Crazy

This month I have gone all stationery crazy and have sorted myself out with a new personal sized Filofax, new inserts for it from Paperchase, a new Lamy fountain pen and Dodo pad inserts for both my new personal sized Filofax and my existing A5 sized Filofax in order to test them out.

I am loving my new Filofax; it is a purple Songbird in personal size, so a little smaller than my A5 and therefore lighter and more portable. I like my A5 Filofax, it’s a zipped Lyndhurst but it is not something I can carry around in my backpack to and from work as it is heavy – especially with all the other paraphernalia in my backpack! The Songbird is a cool colour and is sturdy but fairly light, it feels nice too – I do not like the insides of the Domino as it feels funny to me – I have this thing about the feel of items, it has to feel right or I wont want to touch it. The songbird also isn’t too “perfect” like the Lyndhurst comes across to me. 

I have also bought myself some A5 coloured paper in 4 different shades, a hole punch that punches personal sized holes in the right place (already have an A5 one so can play around with both organisers and my own designs of inserts) and along with the inserts from Paperchase and my Dymo with a variety of different label cassettes I am going to make my organisers fun and funky! Have bought some transparent coloured A4 dividers so that I can cut them down to size and use them in my Songbird.

Have been testing my new Lamy fountain but am puzzled about the way I hold it. I normally use my Black Parker Vector fountain pen which has a smooth rounded grip, the Lamy has 2 sides that are slanted where you hold it with your thumb and fore finger and although slightly triangular overall is curved underneath to be comfortable to hold. But as I said I think I must hold my pen differently to how most people do as it’s at an odd angle to the paper when I try and write and isn’t quite “right” yet. Will have to practice with it some more!

Hopefully I will be able to have my own inserts printed out soon and can then use a fountain pen to write in it rather than the ball point pen I currently have in my pen loop.Looking to make the inserts more teacher friendly so I can use them for planning my lessons and can use either my personal or A5 instead of the A4 teacher planner ring binder I am currently using at school. Will be having a play around and will post what I come up with.

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One Thought to “Stationery Crazy”

  1. I agree on the touchy feeliness of things. When I was buying my first portfolio case and complaining about the cost my parents said buy it on ebay they are a tenth the price. But the leather on them looked like pleather or PVC and that won’t do.

    (You take those photos?)

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