I have just spent twice as long hole punching using my Filofax brand A5 punch than I did cutting all the pages in half using my trimmer – despite having to take the trimmer apart because I put too much paper in for it to cut and the blade moved.
The hole punch is seriously slow, not even slightly helpful as you can only punch about 2 sheets of regular printer paper at once using it. I am fairly sure my muscles got more of a workout than a weight machine punching that lot of inserts! The punch has also jammed up and I took the end off and then got the punched holes all over the bed!!!
It’s such a shame my Rapesco 6 hole diary punch doesn’t fit A5 or I would have used it! The Rapesco works like a dream and can cope with several pages at once. Partly due to the bigger leaver you push down but also partly due to it having a smooth mechanism when you push it down!
For the amount that you pay for the official Filofax punches you would expect to get a solid, sensible and useful product! I know they’d like us to use their own inserts but they know a lot of us Filofax fanatics use our own or a combination of the two. So annoying!
Views: 1432
Totally agree – Filofax punches are PANTS. I have a Rapesco like you and it is indeed fab. But then I don’t have an A5 Filofax!
The Rapesco is only one whole out and as Steve from Philofaxy mentions in one of his posts, you can punch 3 holes then turn it around and punch the other 3. That’s OK but I would love it if the Rapesco did it without all the bother!