It seems that Black Friday has come early this year, in the sale sense of the event! Retailers everywhere are trying to get your custom in the run up to the festive season. With all the sale events already happening already, it shouldn’t be too hard to find something you have been looking for or for that perfect prezzie for someone else. There have been a few items that I have been looking at getting, and Black Friday sales seem the perfect time to push the boat out and finally…
Read MoreNaNoWriMo 2017
Are you participating in NaNo this year? Not sure what NaNo is? NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, which I will shorten to NaNo here, during NaNo, the idea is to challenge yourself to write 50,000 words in just 30 days – that’s not as scary as it sounds as it only works out to 1,667 words per day, which I usually find to be around 2 pages of typed words in size 11 font, on an A4 page (could be more or less depending on the font/size/page size…
Read MorePlanning A Return To University – Stationery Haul Part 1
I have wanted to return to university to complete more studying for a long while now but I have not been able to because of the finance side of it. Well that doesn’t need to be so much of a problem now because they are finally introducing Postgraduate Student Loans here in the UK which work in a similar way to the current Undergraduate Student Loans that the UK already have. I can’t however apply for one just yet as they are not being introduced until the end of June…
Read MoreIt’s National Stationery Week!
It is National Stationery Week so to celebrate all things Stationery I thought I would list some of my favourites! For some great deals this week head over to Amazon and see what you can treat yourself to! Yes I know, I’m such and enabler right!? These PaperMate retractable pens are pretty cool, I’ve been using the regular black ComfortMate ones but I like the look of this pack, they also have a pack of 20 of the Black InkJoy ones which I could use at work. [amazon asin=B00CI6L5US&template=iframe image2]…
Read MoreFitbit – Step Up To The Challenge!
You have probably seen and heard about Fitbit but in case you haven’t they are a device you wear like a watch and it counts how many steps you take each day. There are several different models, I started out with a Fitbit Flex and have currently got a Fitbit Surge, my Flex mainly counted my steps, and showed me visually by 5 LEDs that would glow with every so many steps (250 for each LED if you kept it on the default settings) when you hit your daily target…
Read MoreIt’s Been A Year! Planning and Printer Update!
I have been away from my blog for a year now 🙁 partly because my desktop computer broke and partly because work has got in the way. During the past year, I have been promoted at work, been bitten by a dog on my first official day of my promotion whilst at work, worked at several different pubs in my area and ran one outside of my area for 10 days. Had my hours reduced so much that I had to go back to doing some supply teaching, and then…
Read MoreApril 2015 – Camp NaNoWriMo Planning
Desktop Definitely Dead As thoughts drift round to this year’s Camp NaNo, I find that I am without my desktop computer. It has finally given up and is now refusing to boot up. It seems like it was only a few weeks ago that I replaced the battery on the motherboard so that it could once again remember the date and boot up successfully without hanging half way through. Now however, it seems that it can’t even get half way, I am therefore assuming this time it is the hard…
Read MorePost-it’s and Page Flags in my Filofax
Just a quick look at how I use sticky notes and flags in my Filofax! Flags are used to put chores on the page of my current week and I remove them when they are done and put back on my page marker for use next week. Post-it’s can be found all over in my Filofax, I use them for anything really! Like here I have used them for adding up projected then completed hours at work or for making notes during my French session in my Rosetta Stone software…
Read MoreNew Teacher Planning Pages For Primary Teachers
One of my close friends started her NQT year as a Year 5 Primary Teacher this week so, while I was visiting her neck of the woods last week, I asked her about lesson planning. I realised that the pages I created in the past were more suited to Secondary School Teachers, although they obviously can still be used by Primary Teachers they were not quite as helpful as they could be. So with this in mind, and after looking through the medium term plans and year plans she showed…
Read MoreRealisation
It is funny how somethings happen; when you are least expecting it you find yourself in the middle of spaghetti junction and have no idea what to do with yourself from there – which way to go? It is in one of those such puzzles that I find myself at present, but literally just now I have possibly unravelled some of the thoughts that have been going round and round in my head like they were in a washing machine on super fast spin mode. After returning from my fortnightly…
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