New Project #1 RPi

This morning one of the pieces of my new project arrived: Some of will probably know what this is without much need for an introduction, but for the rest of you that don’t, it is a Filofax Finsbury. It is an A5 one in Raspberry… She doesn’t quite lay flat just yet but that is something we will be working on during the training phase of the project 🙂 So, what is this project and what is the training phase all about? I am eagerly awaiting for my Raspberry Pi…

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Geek and Proud!

I was just commenting on a post called “Why won’t girls code?” and as I have seen, and been angered by a lot of similar items lately I thought it was about time I posted my own opinion on the matter. I will also explain how I started on my path. So, ready for the mammoth post…? I may have mainly posted about the good old paper based Filofax so far on my website, but I am a technology geek, my love of computers started way back when I was…

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