Essex UK Mini Meet Up?

Just a quick post about having an Essex UK Mini Meet up – maybe you can join us!

There are already 3 of us in Essex that are going to be meeting up really soon (date yet to be decided) but if there are any more Philofaxy readers that would like to join us then give me a shout and we can work out when is best and have even more fun talking about Filofax, organising and stationery!

I am proposing that we meet in Chelmsford as it is fairly easy for people to get to no matter if by car, bus, train or foot! There is also a Paperchase in town that we can visit, a WHSmiths and even a Staples if people desire! If there is somewhere I have missed that would be good to go to feel free to make the suggestion!

If you are in Essex (or indeed want to visit Essex) and would like to join us then please get in touch, you can do this via email:

essex [at]

But without the spaces!

I look forward to hearing from you and arranging the mini meet! 🙂

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3 Thoughts to “Essex UK Mini Meet Up?”

  1. Sarah

    Count me in. Looking forward to it and meeting up with fellow users.

  2. Excellent news Sarah! Watch this space for more details! 🙂

  3. Cendy

    What a great post! It brought back my cohodhild when computers and the Internet were not in everyone’s homes and we had to actually entertain ourselves! But the Internet is great for many things – meeting and finding new friends, to be exact. I am in touch with many “old” friends through Facebook. Many of them I don’t see or speak to in real life, and some I don’t even speak with through Facebook even though we’re “friends.”As for Philofaxy – it’s so amazing that we all “met” because of this one common interest. But as many of us have come to find out, it is so much more than that – many of us share more than just the one interest. It truly is the greatest online community I’ve ever seen. =)

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