Teacher Planning Pages Format
I have had quite a bit of feedback lately from Teachers who have more lessons per day and would like to use my pages for their planning. It would therefore seem a good idea for me to make some variations on my basic 5 lesson planning pages available for others to print and use in their Filofax or other chosen binder for this coming school year.

For this to happen I need your help! I have created a poll – which should be on the right side of my blog at the top, above recent posts and comments sections. If you would be so kind as to let me know how many lessons you have per day, by lessons I mean how many timetabled sessions your school has during the day, so for my current pages the school would have 5 teaching sessions per day, this does not include breaks, lunch times or after school clubs/activities as there is a section for those on the right hand page.
It might be that for those of you with 9 or 10 lesson days that an extra page needs to be included or the area available to write in your lesson pans will be really small! Anyway, if you could please vote in the poll to the right of this post that would help me work out what to do to format the pages best for other users. If you select “Other” from the option menu, please leave me a comment below this post to let me know how many lessons a day you have!
I can then get the appropriate layouts together so you can print them off, hole punch them and put them in your Filofax ready for the new school year!
Show Me Your Pages!
I would also love to see how you have been using my pages for your planning in your Filofax (or other binder system), for those of you on Twitter you could tweet me a picture @jarfmdotcom or you could leave a link to your pictures in the comments section below or email me: teacher [at] jarfm [dot] com
I look forward to seeing your pages!
Views: 1488