I am setting up one of my A5 Filofax so that I can start to properly manage my money. For this I am going to use some zipped files to keep track of things.
Rather than spend a fortune of Filofax ones I found some bright coloured zip files in Sainsbury’s, 3 in a pack for £0.99 so I thought they would be a good idea.
They are designed to hold an A5 sheet of paper so are in fact just larger all the way round than A5 so they are a little but of a tight squeeze in my Lyndhurst but they do fit. I just need to take off some of the edge where the holes will go and the corner at the top and bottom of this edge will possibly need trimming or rounding off so it doesn’t get in the way of the zip/ring openers.
As they are not just A5 size my trusty hole punch marks aren’t quite in the right place so I had to work out where the holes needed to go and also how to put them in the punch so I was sure they’d be in the right place. I decided that a whiteboard marker would do the job as it could be wiped away after easily. So here’s what one looks like after measuring up:
And here is another wiped clean after cutting and hole punching:
Here it is in my Lyndhurst:
I haven’t rounded the corners yet as I am going to see what happens when they are all in my Lyndhurst then I will make the decision as to how to cut the corners (if I need to) I think a little will probably have to come off but I could be wrong.
I thought they could also be decorated with stickers and/or tape if desired – the hole punched edge could also be glued shut if necessary but it should be alright for what I intend to use it for at present.
And here’s the finished Lyndhurst with the zip files in. I have already put some receipts and details about this months outgoings in them but you don’t need to see the details!
Views: 1941
Nice work. Could you write on the white zip pieces in Sharpie? I was thinking of a letter on each to denote its use.
Thanks Ray! You probably could write on the zipper edge as there is a flat area on the side facing the pen.
I am just going to use the colours, although I was thinking of labelling the front of the files.
As I have only used 6 (2 packs of files) I have put them in colour order so it is green for the first 2 weeks of a month, then yellow for the next 2, the last 2 are red and will be for the 5th week in a month and a money emergency.
Clever adaptation. Loving the pictures, if I ever need to do this sort of things nice to have a method to follow.