A New Adventure September brings with it the start of a new adventure for many in the UK – heading off to school, college, or university, either for the first time, or returning for another year of study. In the shops there are “back 2 school” or “student” items everywhere, stationery, clothing, and all you could ever need and more for your student life! Some of the items I have seen so far are guaranteed to get you in trouble from day one (the pen with a slingshot on the…
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Planning A Return To University – Stationery Haul Part 1
I have wanted to return to university to complete more studying for a long while now but I have not been able to because of the finance side of it. Well that doesn’t need to be so much of a problem now because they are finally introducing Postgraduate Student Loans here in the UK which work in a similar way to the current Undergraduate Student Loans that the UK already have. I can’t however apply for one just yet as they are not being introduced until the end of June…
Read MoreRealisation
It is funny how somethings happen; when you are least expecting it you find yourself in the middle of spaghetti junction and have no idea what to do with yourself from there – which way to go? It is in one of those such puzzles that I find myself at present, but literally just now I have possibly unravelled some of the thoughts that have been going round and round in my head like they were in a washing machine on super fast spin mode. After returning from my fortnightly…
Read MoreWhat do you want to achieve in remaining 90 days?
October is finally here and with it only more 90 days to accomplish any of those goals you set yourself to have completed by the end of 2012. What was on your list at the start of the year, or even was put on the list since the start of the year, that you need to or want to have ticked off before the countdown to 2013 happens? Hopefully some items have been ticked off as completed already but what about those items that you either haven’t looked at yet…
Read MorePhilofaxy September 2012 Meet Up
A last minute cancellation on Wednesday made it possible for me to be asked if I was free to join September 2012’s Philofaxy meet up in London on the Saturday. A few checks of the Filofax and finances later and I said I could go and the arrangements were then made for the trip to London. The plan was to get an early night in Friday night ready for Saturday’s trip but that didn’t happen and when I finally did get to bed I just couldn’t sleep! By the…
Read MorePocket Malden Wallet Setup
Now I have set up my Lyndhurst to stay at home so I can sort out my finances I thought I should see what I could take out of my purse already to put in the receipts and such like. In doing this I decided to try and use my pocket Malden as my wallet to see if I could get on with it. This is the Lyndhurst and Malden together after I’d finished: It’s quite chunky but not stuffed: Inside the front: Just some points cards and vouchers in…
Read MoreMore Reasons To Shop…
Finally got my Staples reward card in the post! This will only lead to further purchases… Can feel some good quality A4 plain paper and sticky tabs coming my way next pay day… And perhaps a new toner for my laser printer… What would be in your trolley? Views: 1803
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